پایگاه اطلاع رسانی آیت الله ابراهیم امینی قدس سره

Appease Her and Sympathize with Her

Appease Her and Sympathize with Her

A woman also, similar to a man, undergoes emotional changes. She experiences happiness, anger, sorrow, etc. She becomes tired from housework and may become annoyed with the children. Others may upset her by their criticisms. She might become involved in competing with others. In short, a woman confronts many problems of which some may affect her so much so that she might become desperate to such an extent so as to react unkindly towards trivial matters.

This is especially the case for women, because they are very sensitive and would react more critically towards unpleasant events as compared to men.

Women, who experience hardship, need appeasing. Men must comfort them because they are their partners and the ones who are trusted by their wives.

Dear Sir! when you find your wife in a state of distress and anger, then try to understand her situation. If you enter your house and she does not salute you, you say 'salam' to her. This would not belittle you. Talk to her with a smiling face. Avoid-grimness. Help her in the housework. Be careful not to offend her in any way. Do not tease her. If she is not in a mood to talk, then leave her alone. Do not say: 'What is wrong with you?'

If she feels like talking, listen to her and sympathize with her. Pretend you are more concerned with her problem than herself. Let her reveal her grievances for you. Then like a kind father or a sympathetic husband try to help her find a solution to her problem. Encourage her to be patient. Through wisdom and logic make her regard her problems as trivial. Strengthen her character and assist her in overcoming the cause of her annoyance.

Be patient and treat her according to your logic. She would certainly find your help useful and life will soon get back to normal for both of you.

On the contrary, your wrong approach would cause more distress for her. You would also suffer and it might even turn into a major row from which, both of you would suffer .