پایگاه اطلاع رسانی آیت الله ابراهیم امینی قدس سره

Lesson twenty one: the fourth Imām and the sixth infallible figure, Imām AL-Sajjād(‘a)

Lesson twenty one:
the fourth Imām and the sixth infallible figure, Imām AL-Sajjād(‘a)

His name is ‘Alī, the son of Imām Ḥusayn and his most well-known epithets are Sajjād and Zayn al-‘Ābidīn. He was born on Jumādī al-Awwal 5 or 15, 36 or 38 and attained the position of leadership after the martyrdom of his father, Imām Ḥusayn in the year 61.

His leadership coincided with the zenith of the Umawī rule and the enemies of the prophetic household (‘a) and during this period, momentous events and bloody revolts took place which entailed difficulties for Imām. Occasionally, his life and at times his dignity and honor were jeopardized but with foresight, patience, fortitude, self-sacrifice and self-esteem he managed to overcome all the obstacles and preserved his life and honor along with those of many others.

He was not only devout and devoted but also a thoughtful and adept leader who did his best to guard the interests of Islam and Muslims at critical moments.

One of his most outstanding services to the Islamic world and Islamic teachings is the collection of the prayers of that Imām which is known as The Complete Saḥīfah-ye Sajjadiyyah. This book and its prayers incorporate a series of rational, moral, philosophical and social facts and teachings and have been preserved in the form of supplications toward the absolutely needless. And it is impossible that anyone save an infallible Imām who has inherited the knowledge of the prophets could provide humanity with such facts and truths.

He was poisoned to martyrdom by the agents of the Umawī regime on Muḥarram 25, 97 at the age of fifty seven or fifty nine and was buried in Medina.

Some remarks by Imām al-Sajjād (‘a)

“The dearest of you, before God, is the most righteous and the most respected of you, before God, is the most pious and god-fearing.”

“O men! You will eventually die and will be revived to stand trial before divine justice, so have an answer ready.”[43] That is, until the opportunity is available and you’re alive get ready for the hereafter and endeavor to earn the divine pleasure.

“If all men were perished and I were deserted, I would not be terrified so long as I am with the Koran.” (I will approach the Koran and derive benefits from it).[44]

[43] Toḥaf al-‘Uqūl, p. 280.
[44] Wasā’il al-Shī‘ah, vol.3, p. 582.